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 How Long Does It Take For Methadone To Work

How Long Does It Take For Methadone To Work

Medication-assisted treatment through methadone is generally considered the best option for people struggling with Opioid addiction. Methadone manages cravings and decreases the pain of withdrawing from opioids. It is a lengthy treatment that takes time. However, patients often wonder how long it takes for methadone to work. Read ahead and find out.

Reconnect Recovery Center is an Inpatient rehab that offers methadone as part of their MAT program. Get rid of addiction and start a sober life now! Call 866-321-1552.

From Rapid Relief to Stable Recovery: The Power of Methadone in Opioid Treatment

Do you know that Methadone treatment for opioid addiction places a higher priority on stability and lowering dependency on short-acting opioids? Its efficacy varies from person to person and is essential to long-term healing. In order to ensure safety and efficacy suited to each individual’s specific needs, qualified and DEA-certified addiction healthcare specialists must determine precise methadone dosages and timetables with careful monitoring. This all-encompassing technique guarantees a balanced, patient-centered approach to treating opioid abuse. 

Here is a brief overview of how long does it take for methadone to work during Opioid addiction treatment: 

Immediate Effects

  •     Methadone provides rapid relief of opioid withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, muscle aches, nausea, sweating, and cravings. Thirty minutes to 1 hour after taking the first dose is how long it take for methadone to work.
  • Individuals report initial feelings of lightness and pain relief as methadone activates opioid receptors in the brain.
  • Methadone starts blocking the euphoric and sedative effects that other opioids would have. This means that if opioids are taken, the “high” will be decreased.
  • Drowsiness is common when starting methadone treatment as the body adjusts to the medication.
  • Methadone helps stabilize mood and reduces drug cravings and impulsive behaviors associated with addiction. Patients can focus more clearly on recovery.
  • The immediate effects motivate to continue treatment since the individual no longer feels terrible from withdrawal.

Are you worried about your or a friend’s addiction problem? Do you wish to get in touch with an inpatient rehab that offers FDA-approved medications? Then call Reconnect Recovery Center at 866-321-1552. now! 

Stabilization Phase

  • The stabilization phase is the period when the proper methadone dose is determined for each patient. This usually occurs over the first few days or weeks of treatment.
  • The goal is to find the optimal dose that relieves opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms for 24-36 hours without causing sedation.
  • The starting dose is typically around 30mg. The dose is then slowly increased by 5-10mg each day until withdrawal symptoms are relieved for a full day.
  • Most patients stabilize on a methadone dose between 60mg to 120mg once a day. However, the effective dose can vary widely based on individual factors.
  • During this phase, patients report to the clinic daily to receive their dose and have it adjusted as needed. The dose is gradually increased until withdrawal symptoms are no longer experienced before the next day’s dose.
  • The stabilization phase allows the medication to build up to therapeutic levels in the body. This helps avoid overmedication.
  • Once a stable dose is reached, the patient continues on this dose and should no longer experience cravings.

Methadone is an FDA-approved drug that offers relief from painful withdrawal symptoms. Call 866-321-1552. now to begin the MAT program at Reconnect Recovery Center today!

Factors That Influence How Long Does It Take For Methadone To Work

Here is what you need to know about the factors that influence how long does it takes for methadone to work:

  • The length and severity of the person’s opioid addiction can affect how quickly their body responds to methadone treatment. Those with longer addictions often need more time to stabilize.
  • Genetic and metabolic differences between individuals impact how fast their bodies process and respond to methadone.
  • If the individual has developed tolerance to high doses of other opioids, it may take longer to find the right methadone dose to manage their withdrawal and cravings.
  • Other substances the person is taking, such as alcohol or benzodiazepines, can influence the effects of methadone. This is why managing poly-substance use is important.
  • Comorbid medical conditions like HIV, liver disease, or chronic pain can also affect an individual’s reaction to methadone therapy.
  • Psychological and behavioral factors also play a role in how quickly someone stabilizes, such as their level of motivation to stop using drugs.
  • Close monitoring and dose adjustments based on each patient’s response are needed to optimize the timeline for methadone to become an effective treatment.

Do you know almost 311,531 patients received methadone under substance abuse treatment facilities during 2020? You could be one of these patients who decided to seek timely treatment. To schedule an in-person or virtual consultation, call 866-321-1552

How To Tell if Methadone Dose Has Lost its Effect

Methadone is long-acting, but since it is an opioid, a person consuming it regularly may not feel the same effect as before. This problem can be easily solved by fixing the dose. Following are some signs that show a methadone dose is losing its effectiveness and needs to be adjusted by a health practitioner:

  • Withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, muscle aches, nausea, and anxiety emerge hours before the next dose
  • Strong drug cravings returning during the day or waking the person up at night
  • The feelings of euphoria or pain relief from methadone dose wearing off significantly earlier
  • Need to take other opioids on top of the daily methadone dose to feel stable
  • Persistent drowsiness, suggesting the methadone level is too high
  • Mood swings, irritability, or depressive symptoms reemerging
  • Using larger amounts of methadone without extended benefits
  • Resumption of compulsive behaviors associated with addiction
  • Inability to focus on counseling and recovery efforts due to discomfort
  • Drug-seeking behavior and diversion of doses
  • Skipping methadone doses because they seem ineffective
  • Reporting the current dose doesn’t last 24 hours like it previously did

If any of these types of experiences occur, it is recommended to report to the prescribing doctor immediately. The doctor can adjust the dosage so that you can continue recovering steadily without facing any setbacks or withdrawals. Call Reconnect Recovery Center at 866-321-1552. for immediate help! 

Are There Any Side Effects of Methadone?

Methadone is generally considered to be a very safe treatment when it comes to opioid addiction. However, besides knowing how long does it takes for methadone to work, it is also crucial to know the potential side effects of methadone treatment: 

●     Drowsiness

Methadone can cause sedation when first starting out. Drowsiness often improves within the first few weeks as the body adjusts.

●     Constipation

Like other opioids, methadone can slow digestion and cause constipation. Staying hydrated, diet changes, and laxatives can help manage this.

●     Nausea

Some nausea may be felt when starting methadone but typically goes away soon.

●     Sweating

Increased sweating is common when beginning methadone. This often resolves with time.

●     Low sex drive

Methadone may decrease sex drive but this side effect often improves.

●     Water retention

Mild swelling in the hands and feet can occur due to fluid retention.

●     Dry mouth

Methadone reduces saliva production, causing cottonmouth. Sipping water helps.

The good news is many side effects are worse at the beginning when methadone levels are fluctuating. But as the dose stabilizes, the body gradually adjusts, and the side effects subside. For more information, call Reconnect Recovery Center at 866-321-1552..

How the Reconnect Recovery Center Can Help!

At our Inpatient rehab, you can avail the following perks:

Call us now at 866-321-1552

If you or someone you love struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, you’re not alone. Your recovery is possible. Call The Recovery Center today to learn about our inpatient programs located at facilities across the country. Our caring representatives can answer your questions about addiction and the rehab process, and calling is free and confidential.

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The Reconnect Recovery Center aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.