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Understanding Alcohol Withdrawal

Understanding Alcohol Withdrawal

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure. When we do something we like, dopamine is released, and we experience pleasure and excitement.

Looking around us, we notice that some people seem to have a serious temperament while others are always laughing and playing around. This is because each individual has their own dopamine baseline: those with a lower baseline have small amounts of dopamine being released at any time, thus making them serious or ‘less happy’; on the other hand, people with a high dopamine baseline have larger amounts of the neurotransmitter being released into their bodies so they are relatively excited and optimistic.

The human body is constantly trying to achieve the state of homeostasis, i.e., to create a balance. If the amount of salt rises in the body, the system for maintaining balance kicks in by giving the signals of thirst. The same is the case with pleasure which comes side by side with pain. The phenomenon can be understood by imagining weighing scales with pleasure on one side and pain on the other. When dopamine is released as a result of engaging in a pleasing activity, the weighing balance tips to the side of pleasure, and when the experience is over, the balance tips equally to the side of pain. That pain that an individual experiences then is what makes them want to engage in the pleasing activity again. This point where the balance is tipped to the pain side after staying on the pleasure side is crucial as it determines what the person’s next step would be: they would either take more of the substance or behavior that makes them happy or control themselves and wait for the scale to come back to the neutral position where they stop experiencing any pain.

If you or a friend of yours or even a family member needs help with alcohol withdrawal, don’t hesitate to call Reconnect Recovery Center at 866-321-1553.

What Does Alcohol Withdrawal Feel Like

According to American psychiatrist, Dr Anna Lembke of Stanford University, a period of thirty days during drug rehabilitation can be divided as follows:

  • The first two weeks are tough when there is a storm raging in the life of the individual who is trying to get rid of their addiction, whether it is to a drug or a substance.
  • The third week is when the clouds begin to clear, and improvement is noticeable.
  • In the fourth week, the sun is out, and the individual realizes that there is a great life outside of drug addiction.

When a person seeks help with alcohol withdrawal, and the process of rehab begins, they can experience restlessness, anxiety, headaches and insomnia, and be irritable. The severity of the addiction determines the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms.

Please don’t face withdrawal symptoms alone! Let Reconnect Recovery Center provide you with help with alcohol withdrawal. Just make a phone call at 866-321-1553.

Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal

Each individual has a unique makeup and unique circumstances, so their experience of addiction, withdrawal, and rehabilitation is different from anyone else’s. When a person with alcoholism stops drinking, the withdrawal symptoms that they experience can be categorized into one of three stages with increasing severity.

Stage 1

This is the stage of experiencing mild withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, and irritability.

Stage 2

In this stage, the withdrawal symptoms appear with moderate strength. The individual can experience sweating and an increased heart rate.

Stage 3

This is the last stage, where the symptoms are manifested in the highest severity. The symptoms include hallucinations and seizures.

Anyone can become addicted to alcohol or any drug other than it; addiction to a substance or behavior is not something to be ashamed of. Start your rehabilitation journey today. Let Reconnect Recovery Center provide you with help with alcohol withdrawal so that you return to normal life in the best way possible.

Can You Die From Alcohol Withdrawal?

The answer to this question is in the affirmative. People who go through stage three of alcohol withdrawal and experience the severest withdrawal symptoms can die. Stage three processes can be fatal in some cases. However, this should not be a reason for you not to engage in alcohol rehabilitation because, singer or later, your drinking problem is going to take you to your deathbed. Thus, it is better to take the chance of recovery.

Trust us in help with alcohol withdrawal and visit us today or just call 866-321-1553.

Headache Alcohol Withdrawal

Headache is a common symptom of alcohol withdrawal. It exists from the very first stage of withdrawal. Please note that it is not a good idea to try to treat yourself for alcoholism on your own. Not only that it is less effective but also dangerous, and it is better to leave this work to professionals who have proper education, training, and experience to deal with headaches, alcohol withdrawal, and all other symptoms.

Help With Alcohol Withdrawal at Reconnect Recovery Center

Reconnect Recovery Center provides inpatient treatment for help with alcohol withdrawal. This rehab center cures people not only of alcoholism but of addiction to drugs, including meth, opioids, cocaine, etcetera. The center also provides dual diagnosis treatment to people who landed with drug addiction as a result of mental problems or whose drug addiction led them to mental issues.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

At Reconnect Recovery Center, treatment for alcohol addiction is residential and employs:

  • Detoxification
  • Counseling
  • MAT

Alcoholism affects one mentally as well as physically and disturbs social relationships, adversely impacting the financial condition of anyone who has an addiction to alcohol. Rehabilitation gives the person a safe and secure environment to get rid of their drinking problem and also keeps them away from factors that may trigger them to drink.

Inpatient treatment gives help with alcohol withdrawal in extreme cases of alcohol addiction. In this form of treatment, the individual stays at the rehab center and remains under their healthcare providers’ constant supervision.

Addiction Therapy Services

RRC offers various types of therapy, for example, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and group therapy. When you walk into one of our facilities and hold a session with our professionals, you will be guided about the treatment plan that would be the most appropriate for you.

If you think that you cannot afford to seek help with alcohol withdrawal because of financial problems, please note that Reconnect Recovery Center accepts insurance too. For more information, please visit our website or call 866-321-1553.

You are not alone in your drinking problem. All over the world, people are having the same problem of not being able to get rid of alcoholism. Trust us when we say that professional help really can take you back to sobriety, and you can say goodbye to alcohol addiction forever.

If you or someone you love struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, you’re not alone. Your recovery is possible. Call The Recovery Center today to learn about our inpatient programs located at facilities across the country. Our caring representatives can answer your questions about addiction and the rehab process, and calling is free and confidential.

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Medical Disclaimer
The Reconnect Recovery Center aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.