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Is Calling the Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline Worth It?

Is Calling the Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline Worth It?

Drug addiction is a reason for concern in every household – not because every household has a member with substance use disorder but because everyone is afraid of a near and dear one falling prey to it. There are many factors which cause drug addiction. Some of them are:

  • Peer pressure
  • Mental problems
  • Family history of drug addiction

A common mode of drug addiction is the intake of prescription drugs whose use may subtly turn into abuse. Often, a person does know that they have increased their intake of prescription drugs, but they do not realize that they have become addicted to them.

This blog post is dedicated to understanding how prescription drugs can lead to addiction. This article will also teach you about prescription drug abuse hotline services.

Reconnect Recovery Center is an inpatient rehabilitation center for substance use disorder. We provide treatment for comorbid mental problems too. To know more about us, please dial our prescription drug abuse hotline number: 866-321-1553.

Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drugs are prescribed by a doctor for the person whose medical condition requires them to buy such drugs and take them in quantities determined by the physician. Such drugs cannot be bought over the counter, but the problem is that anyone who 

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics:

  •  Six million Americans over the age of twelve go through prescription drug abuse annually.
  • Every year, two million Americans with prescription drug abuse disorder become addicted.
  • The most commonly abused prescription drugs are painkillers, sedatives, and tranquilisers.

Call our prescription drug abuse hotline at 866-321-1553 and consult Reconnect Recovery Center to get rid of your addiction to prescription drugs.

Why One Would Abuse Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs help people due to their medicinal properties. However, sometimes these same drugs can ruin one’s personal, social, and financial life by causing addiction. Opioids are said to be risky for their highly addictive properties, but other types of drugs, such as sedatives and stimulants, may also lead an individual to substance abuse. One question worth asking here is: does only the person to whom the drug was prescribed become addicted to it? The answer is: no. Sometimes, a person’s prescription drug is abused by one of their household members. The availability of the drug increases the chances of someone’s intaking, using, and abusing it. 

A prescription drug may be abused to get to experience the feeling of well-being that drugs cause; this sensation may be in the form of relaxation caused by depressants or euphoria caused by opioids.

You can dial 866-321-1553 on your phone to discuss your own or a near and dear one’s drug addiction with one of our admissions counselors. This is Reconnect Recovery Center’s prescription drug abuse hotline.

Causes of Prescription Drug Abuse

  • Not following the health care providers’ instructions: no matter how much the availability of such drugs is regulated, the responsibility of using them correctly falls on the shoulders of the person to whom they are prescribed, and unfortunately, there are people who do not completely grasp how the drugs are to be used properly without falling into the trap of drug addiction.
  • Addiction to other substances: people who are at present, or were at some time in the past, addicted to some drug are more prone to prescription drug abuse.
  • Family history of drug addiction: people who have some family member with substance use disorder in the previous generations are more likely to develop addiction to their prescription drugs than people who do not have a family history of addiction.
  • Mental problems: as drug addiction may lead to mental issues in an individual, the converse is also true, i.e. the abuse of drugs can be caused by some mental problems that one might be going through; this way, one can start abusing any drugs that they manage to get their hands on.
  • Peer pressure: as in any form of substance use disorder, pressure to use drugs from those around one can sometimes become irresistible. This may lead to prescription drug abuse.
  • Lack of attention: when people who have been prescribed drugs are not careful about who in their household has access to these substances and how aware their family members are about the dangers of misusing them, the risk of prescription drug abuse rises.

No matter what the factor was that led you to drug addiction, Reconnect Recovery Center can help you! Visit our website or make a phone call to our prescription drug abuse hotline at 866-321-1553.

Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse

Drugs are substances which do have positive effects on the human body and mind, but this holds true only as long as they are taken in particular quantities. Some drugs are safe enough to be sold over the counter. Nevertheless, some drugs can be obtained to benefit from their medicinal properties only by a healthcare provider’s prescription. In spite of the lengths that the authorities go to ensure people’s physical and mental well-being, some people still turn into the prey of drug addiction. 

There are different effects that manifest themselves as a result of addiction to different drugs. For example, people who abuse prescription opioids may have to face nausea, while those with prescription stimulant abuse may have to experience anxiety, paranoia, and high body temperature. 

Prescription drug abuse is a serious problem, as an overdose of opioids can prove to be fatal.

To get rid of addiction, dial our prescription drug abuse hotline at 866-321-1553.

Opioids Abuse

Opioids are prescribed to patients for their pain-relieving and sedative properties. However, they can make one experience euphoria, and this is one of the leading reasons for their abuse, according to the World Health Organization. Three well-known opioids are heroin, morphine, and methadone. Opioids should be taken carefully: the healthcare provider’s prescription should be followed, and these substances should be obtained from a reliable pharmacy. Drugs are sold online, too, but one needs to go to every length to ensure that they are safe for use according to the prescription.

Unmonitored use of opioids on a regular basis can lead to dependence on them and other related health problems. The use of opioids over a long period of time leads to opioid dependence disorder. This dependence can be so overwhelming that the patient overlooks its harmful consequences. Opioid dependence can also lead to resistance to opioids and other similar drugs.

According to a World Health Organization report, about 62 million people used opioids in 2019. Illegal cultivation and manufacturing of heroin is a major factor in opioid dependence. However, the number of people using prescription opioids is growing at a faster rate.

According to WHO estimates, about 115 000 people died of opioid overdose in 2017. Since opioid use affects the part of the brain which regulates breathing, its overdose can lead to breathing difficulties and consequent death.

Dial 866-321-1553 on your phone and get in contact with Reconnect Recovery Center now!

Prevention of Prescription Drug Abuse

Multiple steps have been taken by the authorities to regulate the availability of drugs to the general public. Despite this, people manage to get access to drugs in one way or another. What they do not understand is that doing drugs is enjoyable but not for long: once the safety limits have been crossed, the people suffering from drug addiction know that their life is in a mess, but they find it extremely hard to stop themselves from taking drugs every time they feel the need to do so. Of the multiple means that an individual can resort to for obtaining drugs, one is that they abuse prescription drugs to fulfill their purpose. Either this or that they mistakenly take prescription drugs in quantities that are not right for them. Some people become addicted to prescription drugs without even realizing it.

RRC's Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline

Reconnect Recovery Center is always ready to open its doors to anyone who needs help with drug addiction. For this purpose, we have our own prescription drug abuse hotline. Some people are not comfortable having a face-to-face discussion about their substance use disorder with anyone, including healthcare providers. For such people, the first step towards putting an end to their disorder is to accept that healthcare providers are honest in their jobs and that the goal they have in mind is to reduce drug addiction from the world without passing any judgments about why or how their client ended up having a drug addiction. The next step is to consult a professional about drug addiction and their situation. This can be done over the phone by dialing the prescription drug abuse hotline of Reconnect Recovery Center, which is 866-321-1553. This prescription drug abuse hotline can be called any time of the day as our professionals are available twenty-four-seven to serve you.

If you or someone you love struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, you’re not alone. Your recovery is possible. Call The Recovery Center today to learn about our inpatient programs located at facilities across the country. Our caring representatives can answer your questions about addiction and the rehab process, and calling is free and confidential.

Inpatient Rehab related topics:

“Opioid overdose.” World Health Organization (WHO), 4 August 2021, Accessed 27 June 2023.

“Prescription Drug Abuse Statistics – NCDAS.” Drug Abuse Statistics, Accessed 21 June 2023.

Medical Disclaimer
The Reconnect Recovery Center aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.