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How long does alcohol stay in your system?

Alcohal Addiction- An Introduction

How long does alcohol stay in your system?

Alcohol, as we know it, is a dangerous and addictive substance. It poses a life-threatening danger to the body. Studies show that nearly 400 million people consume alcohol worldwide, and more than 3 million people die due to alcohol each year. So there is no doubt that it is an addiction with a grueling end.

Moreover, alcohol can be easily detected in the body and leads to issues in personal and professional lives. If you are wondering about how long alcohol stay in your system for a probation drug test or any other situation, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will talk about alcohol digestion, how long does alcohol stay in your system for a breath test, and how you can fight the addiction through treatment.

Alcohol Addiction- An Introduction

Before we begin discussing how long does alcohol stay in your system. It is important to understand what alcohol is and how our bodies react to it. Alcohol is a beverage whose main ingredient is ethanol. As we consume alcohol, ethanol enters our bodies and impairs us.

Known to be a psychoactive element, here is how ethanol affects us:

  • It subdues body function
  • Impairs senses and delays decision-making
  • It may shift mood swings ranging between extremes
  • Affects our immune system and liver
  • It can also cause hormonal imbalance

Struggling with alcohol addiction and looking for inpatient rehab? Contact Reconnect Recovery Center and schedule an appointment now!

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System For?

The length of time that alcohol remains detectable in an individual’s system is dependent upon several variables, including: 

  • the amount consumed, 
  • the type of test used, 
  • certain biological factors specific to the individual consuming the alcohol.

Generally, alcohol can be detected in the bloodstream for up to six hours after the last drink through a blood test. Breathalyzer tests, on the other hand, can detect alcohol in the system for 12 to 24 hours. Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) tests, a form of urine test, can also effectively detect alcohol in the system for up to 12-24 hours after consumption. This type of test specifically looks for ethyl glucuronide, a by-product of ethanol, the primary alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. In addition, alcohol can be detected in hair follicles for up to 90 days following consumption.

Are you a heavy drinker who can not stop drinking alcohol? Here is how long does alcohol stay in your system: 

Alcohol In Saliva: 

Saliva tests are an effective way to determine alcohol in the body. Alcohol stays in saliva for up to 8 hours.

Alcohol In Urine: 

Alcohol stays in urine for up to 12 to 80 hours, depending upon consumption.

Alcohol In Breath: 

Alcohol can be detected by a breathalyzer using an alcohol breath test for up to 24 hours after consumption. We exhale alcohol inside this window of time.

Alcohol In Hair:  

Alcohol stays the longest in hair, for up to 90 days.

You don’t need to fight the battle of addiction alone; our doctors at Reconnect Recovery Center are here for you. Call us at 866-321-1553 and schedule an appointment today!


Factors That Affect Detection Time Of Alcohol In Your System

Sometimes, alcohol may show up in tests, while other times, it may not. How long does alcohol stay in your system also depends upon an individual’s metabolism. Factors such as genetics, gender, body weight, and age play a huge role in alcohol metabolism.


Some people have genetic variations that result in decreased ADH activity, which can lead to slower alcohol metabolism and increased sensitivity to alcohol’s effects.


Studies show that women tend to have less body water than men and also tend to have less ADH activity compared to men. This can result in higher blood alcohol concentrations after consuming the same amount of alcohol.

Body Weight:  

People with lower body weights tend to have higher BACs than those with higher body weights.


Age also affects alcohol metabolism, as the body’s ability to metabolize alcohol decreases with age due to decreased liver function and changes in body composition.

How long does alcohol stay in your system for a probation drug test varies from individual to individual. It is important to be aware of these differences when consuming alcohol and assessing one’s level of tolerance.

Alcohal Addiction- An Introduction

Why Monitoring Alcohol Intake Is Important

Alcohol is your enemy, and it is never recommended to consume alcohol in heavy amounts. Do you know that if you regularly consume more than 14 units of alcohol per week, it puts your health in danger? Here is why you should monitor alcohol intake on a regular basis: 

  1. Excessive consumption of alcohol can be dangerous.
  2. People under the influence of alcohol can potentially harm themselves and those around them.
  3. Police often carry out tests to detect the presence of alcohol in the body. Hence, it is also important to understand how long alcohol does stay in the system in a breathalyzer test.
  4. The effects of alcohol can last for a few hours, depending on the amount consumed
  5. Excessive alcohol consumption can exponentially damage the body over time.

Did you consume more than the recommended dose of alcohol recently? Are you looking for Alcohol addiction help? Call our alcohol abuse helpline and get help now!

How Is Alcohol Metabolized Into Fat?

The most important factor that determines how long does alcohol stay in your system is how alcohol is metabolized. The liver uses a number of chemical processes to metabolize alcohol after consumption. Acetyl-CoA is a by-product of this metabolism and is one of its by-products. The body uses this to produce energy.

What Happens If There Is Excessive Acetyl-CoA In your System

There is a possibility that alcohol may produce more acetyl-CoA than what the body needs for energy production. Here is what happens when there is excessive acetyl-CoA in the body;

  • Excessive concentration is converted into fat through a process called lipogenesis Lipogenesis converts acetyl-CoA into fatty acids.
  • Fatty acids convert into triglycerides. 
  • These are stored in adipose tissue (fat cells) throughout the body.

The conversion of alcohol to fat is a relatively inefficient process compared to the metabolism of other nutrients, such as carbohydrates and proteins. However, chronic alcohol consumption can lead to increased fat accumulation in the liver and other organs, which can contribute to a condition called alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption may lead to weight gain and obesity. Both of which are associated with numerous health risks, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction and are worried about fatty liver, seek urgent help at Reconnect Recovery Center now!

Alcohal Addiction- An Introduction

Do People Metabolize Alcohol Differently?

Yes, people metabolize alcohol differently. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is the primary enzyme responsible for metabolizing alcohol. It breaks down ethanol into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance, which is further metabolized by other enzymes in the body into acetate.

People with variations in the genes that code for ADH and other enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism may have different levels of alcohol tolerance and susceptibility to alcohol-related health problems.

Quit Alcohol Now- Start Inpatient Addiction Treatment At Reconnect Recovery Center

Alcohol is a dangerous substance that can greatly affect life dynamics and relationships. Quitting it just might be the best step you can take for yourself and your loved ones. Here is how you can seek treatment at Reconnect Recovery Center:

A Medical Detox

Our Detox program helps in removing alcohol from your body and getting rid of all the toxins. You will be monitored and under the supervision of well-trained professionals 24/7.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment

The Inpatient Addiction Treatment program offers people struggling with alcoholism a structured program with extra care. They will be provided with a stable environment to pursue their sobriety. 

Dual Diagnosis For Co-occurring Disorder

Studies show that alcohol addiction and mental health are co-related. This program effectively tackles both.

Medicated-Assisted Treatment Program (MAT)

Medicated-Assisted Treatment program treats alcohol addiction by using FDA-approved medication along with behavioral therapies such as CBT and DBT.

Alcohol addiction help is just a click away. Call our DEA-certified doctors at 866-321-1553 and schedule an appointment for yourself or a loved one now!

If you or someone you love struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, you’re not alone. Your recovery is possible. Call The Recovery Center today to learn about our inpatient programs located at facilities across the country. Our caring representatives can answer your questions about addiction and the rehab process, and calling is free and confidential.

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Medical Disclaimer
The Reconnect Recovery Center aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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